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  • Writer's pictureEugenia Andreev

7 Things You Should Consider Before Running

Running can be a great way to stay fit and healthy, but there are a few important things that you should consider before starting. From the type of running clothes and shoes you should wear to the meals you should eat before and after running, understanding the key components of a successful running program is essential.

In this article I share my love for running and the 7 things to consider if you decided to run.

1. You can and you will.

Have you ever wanted to start running but weren't sure where to begin? It can be daunting, but remember: you can and you will! You can become a runner if you never run before.

2. Find the right shoes.

When it comes to running, having the right shoes can make all the difference in terms of performance, comfort, and even injury prevention. No matter if you are a beginner or a professional runner, investing in good running shoes is absolutely essential.

My personal choice for running shoe brands are Mizuno and Asics, which are both highly recommended for their quality and durability.

3. The meal.

It is important to make sure that you have enough energy to run, but eating a big meal right before a run is not recommended. Eating a large meal before running can cause cramps and make it difficult to move freely. Instead, try eating 2-3 hours before a run and if you need to fuel up shortly before, opt for a light snack such as a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. It’s also important to stay hydrated throughout the day leading up to a run and drink plenty of water.

4. No warm up - No run!

Warming up helps to reduce the risk of injury and can help to improve your performance. Start by doing some dynamic stretches, such as walking lunges, high knees and butt kicks.

5. Start slow and build up steadily.

When starting to run, it's important to remember to take it easy. Start off by taking a walk, then slowly work your way up to jogging and eventually running. This will allow your body to get used to the demands of running and prevent injury. When you feel ready, increase your speed and distance gradually.

6. Track your progress.

One of the best ways to keep your motivation up while running is to track your progress.

With so many running apps available, get the one that fits your needs and budget. A smart watch can also be beneficial as it provides you with real-time feedback about your performance such as heart rate, distance run, time, and more.

7. Be consistent.

Staying consistent with running is essential if you want to make real progress. Consistency builds up strength, endurance and helps improve your overall health. Don't give up when the going gets tough, and make running a habit by blocking time in your calendar for runs or walks.

Final thoughts

Running is a great way to get in shape, stay healthy, and reduce stress. It’s important to take the time to make sure you have the right gear, the right mindset, and the right plan before beginning your running journey. Make sure to invest in the proper running shoes and clothes that will support you during your runs. Always warm up and cool down properly, and don’t forget to fuel yourself with nutritious meals. Be consistent with your running schedule, and track your progress to ensure you are meeting your goals. With the right preparations, you can hit the ground running and enjoy all of the benefits that come along with it!

Finally, if you need any advice along the way, you don't have to go it alone. There are plenty of resources available online, and I'm more than happy to lend an experienced ear. I started running in 2019 and have already gone m

ore than 3000 km, so I'm always here if you need any running advice. Good luck and happy running!

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