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  • Writer's pictureEugenia Andreev

All-Natural Remedies for Winter Running's Effect on Skin, Lips, and Hands

Embark on a journey with me in this article as I share the natural beauty insights I've embraced, drawing from my experiences as both a dedicated runner and a natural beauty specialist who has braved six winters amidst the unpredictable British weather.

December 2023:10K Conquest in Barcelona's Cursa dels Nassos

Embarking on winter runs in the cold and damp British weather for six consecutive winters has given me invaluable insights into the challenges our skin faces during this season.

As a certified natural skincare enthusiast, I've honed my knowledge to craft remedies that truly work. In a world cluttered with misleading information, finding effective solutions can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

That's why I'm excited to share my experience and expertise in this guide, offering all-natural remedies for winter running's impact on your skin, lips, and hands. Navigating through common misconceptions and pitfalls, I'll help you discover a holistic approach to maintain your skin's health and radiance. Get ready to embrace winter runs with confidence and the glow your skin deserves.

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In the winter running community, the quest for reliable skincare is more pressing than ever. Social media buzzes with runners documenting every stride and sharing their skin struggles. Amidst the chaos, daily inquiries about the best skincare flood such channels, met with conflicting advice from Vaseline to olive oil. Navigating this skincare maze, the challenge is clear: finding remedies that truly nurture our skin amidst the myriad suggestions.

Okay, so skincare might not be a sprint, but think of it as a fun little jog for your face in the winter wonderland!

Your mission? Create a shield between your fabulous skin and the chilly outdoors.


Start this adventure with a gentle cleanser – think of it as the warm-up before your face workout. Use lukewarm water because, you know, we're all about that cozy vibe, not stripping away those natural oils.

Treat your eyes to a hydrating cream – the delicate area deserves some love in the cold weather.

Now, meet your face's BFF – a high-quality moisturiser. Pick one that suits your skin type; if you're on the oily side, go for a gel-based buddy; if you're feeling dry, opt for a richer cream.

Look out for hydrating rockstars like hyaluronic acid – they're like the energy drink for your skin. Don't forget panthenol for that extra kick! And to seal the deal, slather on some broad-spectrum sunscreen – because UV rays don't take a winter vacation.

P.S. My go-to? Moisturisers with built-in SPF – because who doesn't love a two-in-one deal?


Embarking on winter runs with natural skincare in mind? Here are some essential don'ts to keep your skin glowing and healthy.

Firstly, steer clear of heavy oils like coconut and olive on your face; they can be comedogenic and, coupled with sweat, may clog pores, leading to breakouts. Opt for non-comedogenic alternatives like Jojoba oil.

Secondly, resist the temptation to go bare-skinned on cold winter runs – the brisk air can be harsh, so always shield your face.

Thirdly, avoid hitting the pavement with makeup on. Let your skin breathe during your run; makeup can mix with sweat, potentially clogging pores.

Lastly, don't forget to cleanse your face post-run. If you leave sweat lingering, it can congest your pores, making them susceptible to blemishes.

Embrace these don'ts, and let your natural winter skincare routine shine!


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