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  • Writer's pictureEugenia Andreev

Navigating the Armpit Care Maze: A Personal Journey

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Let's take a closer look at a part of our bodies that often gets overlooked: our armpits. These small, often neglected areas play a surprisingly important role in our overall well-being, and understanding them better can lead to more effective self-care and hygiene practices. In this article, I provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and caring for armpits, covering the science behind body odour and various hair removal options. The ultimate goal is to promote a conscious and natural approach to personal care.

natural armpits

Sweating under your arms is both normal and necessary.

Armpits are areas that tend to be damp and provide an ideal environment for bacterial growth. The skin's typical pH across most of the body is approximately 5.5, forming a naturally acidic layer known as the acid mantle. This acidic layer acts as a protective barrier against bacteria. However, the skin in the armpits has a higher pH of 6.5. This lower acidity level makes it more susceptible to bacterial growth. When bacteria metabolise or break down in this area, they produce strong-smelling substances.

Because the armpit does not allow these substances to evaporate easily, it can result in unpleasant body odour.

Why does hair grow underarms?

Underarm hair, like other body hair, serves a purpose. It helps regulate body temperature and can reduce friction between the skin and clothing. However, whether or not to keep this hair is a personal choice. Some people prefer the feeling of smooth, hairless armpits, while others embrace their natural state.

Should the Armpit Hair be Removed or Left Alone?

When it comes to armpit hair, the choice is entirely personal. Some opt for a smooth, hairless look, while others embrace the natural beauty of their armpits. Let's explore the options for armpit hair removal, keeping in mind the well-being of your sensitive underarm area.

The Most Natural Underarms Care - No Hair Removal:

  • Embrace your body's natural state.

  • Minimal risk of irritation or ingrown hairs.

  • Avoids the hassle and cost of hair removal methods.

Sugaring Hair Removal:

  • A natural alternative to traditional waxing.

  • Provides longer-lasting results.

  • Made from sugar, lemon juice, and water.

  • Less painful than waxing.

  • Effectively removes hair from the root.

Here is a quick demo of how I do Sugaring Hair removal on one of my friends.

Armpit Hair Trimming:

  • Maintain a neat and tidy look without complete removal.

  • Reduces the risk of ingrown hairs compared to shaving.

  • Gentle on sensitive skin.

  • Requires minimal equipment.


  • Removes hair from the root, resulting in slower regrowth.

  • Potential for smoother skin than shaving.

  • May cause temporary discomfort during the process.


  • Quick and convenient.

  • Least expensive hair removal option.

  • Can be done at home.

  • Prone to causing stubble and potential skin irritation.

These options offer a range of choices for your armpit care, allowing you to tailor your routine to your preferences. Whether you decide to go au naturel or explore hair removal methods, remember to prioritise the health and comfort of your sensitive underarm area while embracing your unique natural beauty.

My personal preference

In my personal journey towards embracing natural beauty, I've found that Sugaring Hair Removal resonates with me and my young daughter. Over the past seven years, I've had the privilege of testing this method on countless clients, and it consistently delivers effective results in slowing down hair growth. It's a choice that aligns with our values of gentle self-care and maintaining the health of our sensitive underarm skin.

If you're curious about the next step in our natural beauty exploration, stay tuned by subscribing to my list. My next blog article will delve into the world of antiperspirants and deodorants, helping you understand their unique roles and how to make informed choices that support your well-being and natural radiance. Thank you for joining me on this journey towards a more beautiful and conscious you.

Dive even deeper into the conversation by joining the Love Natural Beauty community. Connect with others who share their beauty tips and experiences, including insights on natural deodorants and effective homemade remedies for armpit odour.

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